Thursday, March 8, 2012

THE REAL "ET" ????

Not everyone will be old enough to remember 
"ET - The Extra Terrestrial"
but for those who are,
I think that he may have reappeared in my grooming spa
in the form of a ShihTzu named "Cassanova".

After his bath, while he was wrapped in a towel, I did a 
double take when I looked at him and all I could
see was ET.

Anyway, this little guy is an absolute little dude and he loves 
to be pampered.  And now, he's ready
to go home and probably sleep for the
rest of the afternoon.

Thanks for stopping.



Patti J said...

Ha ha...what a cutie! He relly does look like ET in the first photo! In the second pic, he looks like Chewbacca from Star Wars! Thanks for sharing :)

Gail L said...

Hahaha, it's the eyes!
Cute pup!
He DOES look like Chewbacca in the second pic!
Hope you're good!

Anne Marie Hile said...

Bonnie, this little guy is too cute! He looks so adorable in that towel...probably ready to "phone home" and get outta the doggie salon. Haha! Love his name, he looks like he could really melt some hearts, too. :)

Leslie Miller said...

Awww, sweetness! He definitely looks otherworldly in these photos, but if all the creatures that inhabit that world look like Cassanova I wouldn't mind living there! What a darling. Bet you just love to cuddle him.

Lee said...

Oh Bonnie what a wonderful job you have with all those cute doggies !!

He is adorable,yep ET,he does look like chewbacca in the second pic,he was my fav in Star Wars.Hope you all ok,must email you,sorry lol.Huggles xx

Maire Gamber said...

Oh he is so adorable! Yes, I remember ET and he looks just like him! I just love this little dude! Would love to take him home!!!!
Marie XX

Allison Rankin said...


Teresa said...

Oh he looks so cute when he's wet bless him, looking at his face afterwards though I don't think he wants to go home Bonnie, I think he wants to stay with you. :o)
Hope you are well, hugs Teresa xx