Monday, February 17, 2014


It's been an entire year since my little guy
was born and being a crazy dog-mom,
I wanted to celebrate his special day.

Using a template I found online for a birthday
hat, I made a little hat for him.
I covered the cardstock with fabric after
I formed the hat and then made
a matching bandanna.  

The pom pom and trim were made from
some red wool that I had laying around.

He is such a good sport about sitting
still when I dress him up.

He and Abbey both got a new chew bone to celebrate his birthday.
(I think Abbey was secretly laughing at Bugsy that he
had to endure the embarrassment of the hat and she
got a new bone for doing nothing).

Happy Birthday Little Dude.
I hope we have many, many more to celebrate together.

Thanks for stopping by.



Gail L said...

Happy Birthday Bugsy!
That's a great outfit!

Myrna said...

So cute!!! Happy Birthday Bugsy!!!

Patti J said...

Oh my gosh, he's so sweet, Bonnie! And I loved your post about your critters today! Thanks for sharing, and please scratch his ears for Aunt Patti!!!

Dena said...

You are cracking me up!!!! hahahaha! Your pup looks ADORABLE!!!! I really should do this to Rambo haha!!!!
Hugs, Dena

Diane said...

Thanks for giving me a laugh today Bonnie, I love those pictures and the hat.

Hugs Diane

kukafera said...

Felicidades Bugsy!!
He's such a cutie!!
Hugs from Spain!

Sue from Oregon said...

I actually laughed out loud at these pictures! Adorable!!! Sue K

Teresa said...

Oh bless him, Happy Birthday Bugsy, what a gorgeous photo.
I hope you have a lovely weekend Bonnie.
hugs Teresa x

Lee said...

Oh Bonnie,he is so adorable in every way,I am so happy that he is giving you such pleasure.Happy Birthday Bugsy,and a cuddle for Abbey too.Huggles to

Maire Gamber said...

How cute is Bugsy! ADORABLE! And the little birthday suit is precious! I think the pictures are adorable!

Maire Gamber said...

I had to come back again for a look. Bugsy STILL put a smile on my face! LOL

Leslie Miller said...

Oh, my gosh, I'm just having fits over the cuteness! A very special little hat you made for him to celebrate his first birthday. Bugsy is just darling, and a very good sport!

Curt in Indy said...

Happy Birthday to Bugsy! God it is hard to believe that he is 1 year old already. Love his birthday gear. He has such a gorgeous face and such beautiful coloring. Loved the pics of his boat gear and the snow on his little face. What a guy! Thanks for your support in my absence, it was so appreciated. Hugs, Curt

Diane said...

So cute!!! Happy Birthday Bugsy, I can't believe how cute that hat is.

Hugs diane

Maire Gamber said...

Just checking in again, my friend! I already wished Bugsy a happy birthday.
Hope you are in good health and having time to play and be crafty!
Your job sounds like so much fun. I think it would be great to be surrounded by wonderful animals every day! I know I really love mine! :D

Curt in Indy said...

It doesn't matter that you haven't posted anything new (ahem) because when I come to check I get to see this little sweetie! I could just kiss that little face for about 2 house straight! LOL Hope you are doing well. Hugs to all of you. Curt